Saturday, July 14, 2012

My program SNP Compare was written for bioinformatics.  It compares a patient file to a relatives file. This program takes a column in excel file1 and sees if it is in a column in excel file2.  If the answer is found it will copy a field in excel file2 in the same row the answer was found in.

Example data:
File one:
Column of data          column to     paste answer
File two:
Column of data          The answer to be copied to file one
29                                                                      found row 2
10                                found row 3
7                                  found row 4
2                                  found row 5
205                              found row 6
202                               found row 7
210                               found row 8
File 1 after my program
Column of data         Paste answer here
10                                                                      found row 3
29                                                                      found row 2
7                                  found row 4
2                                                                        found row 5
105                              no
102                              no
110                              no
111                              no
--opens File1.  Names it patientName
set patientFile to choose file with prompt "Please select the patient Excel file:"
set patientName to name of (info for patientFile)
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
open patientFile
set thepatientFile to workbook patientName
end tell

--This Dialog assigns where the data is stored for file1
display dialog "What Column is your patient SNP data of the " & " " & patientName & " "& "excel file?" default answer "" buttons {"submit"} default button 1
set PatientSNPCol to (text returned of the result)

--This Dialog assigns what row your data starts at for file1
display dialog "What row does your patient SNP data start in the " & " " & patientName &" " & "excel file?" default answer "" buttons {"submit"} default button 1
set patientSNPRow to (text returned of the result)
set patientStartCell to PatientSNPCol & patientSNPRow

--This Dialog assigns the last row of data for file1
display dialog "What row is the last row of you patient SNP data start of the " & " " &patientName & " " & "excel file?" default answer "" buttons {"submit"} default button 1
set patientLastRow to (text returned of the result)
set patientLastCell to PatientSNPCol & patientLastRow

--This Dialog assigns the location of the data copied from file2
display dialog "What column would you like the results of this program stored in of the"& " " & patientName & " " & "excel file." default answer "" buttons {"submit"} default button 1
set resultsLocation to (text returned of the result)

--opens File2.  Names it relativeName
set relativeFile to choose file with prompt "Please select the relative Excel file:"
set relativeName to name of (info for relativeFile)
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
open relativeFile
set therelativeFile to workbook relativeName
end tell

--This dialog assigns the column of data in file2
display dialog "What Column is your relative SNP data of the " & " " & relativeName & " "& "excel file?" default answer "" buttons {"submit"} default button 1
set relativeSNPCol to (text returned of the result)

--This dialog assigns the column of data begining copied to excel file1.
display dialog "What Column contains the data you would like copied to the " & " " &patientName & " " & "excel file in column" & " " & resultsLocation & " " & "?" default answer "" buttons {"submit"} default button 1
set copyAnswer to (text returned of the result)

--This repeat loop makes the way down the column
repeat with thisRow from patientSNPRow to patientLastRow

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
  activate object workbook patientName

  set theRange to PatientSNPCol & thisRow & ":" & PatientSNPCol & thisRow
  set theValue to (get value of range theRange as list)
  set theAnswer to resultsLocation & thisRow & ":" & resultsLocation & thisRow

  set relativeSearchRange to (relativeSNPCol & ":" & relativeSNPCol)
  copy value of cell theRange to numberOfCellToSearch

  set searchTerm to numberOfCellToSearch
  activate object workbook relativeName
  set searchRange to get range relativeSearchRange of active sheet

  set foundSNPCellAddress to ""
  set foundCells to {}
  set foundSNPInRelative to (find searchRange what searchTerm)
  set foundSNPCellAddress to get address foundSNPInRelative

  end try
  --If data is not found a no will be placed on file1
  if foundSNPCellAddress = "" then
  tell application "Microsoft Excel"
  activate object workbook patientName
  set value of cell theAnswer to "no"
  end tell
  --If data is found the value of data in an assigned column will be copied to a column in file1
  tell application "Microsoft Excel"
  activate object workbook patientName
  set theStr to foundSNPCellAddress
  set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
  set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "$"
  set theSubStr to (text item 3 of theStr) as text
  set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid

  set copyResult to copyAnswer & theSubStr & ":" & copyAnswer & theSubStr
  activate object workbook relativeName

  copy value of cell copyResult to cellCopy
  activate object workbook patientName
  set value of cell theAnswer to cellCopy
  end tell

  end if
end tell
end repeat